Other Methods
Backpack supports additional methods accessible via deeplinks in addition to its Provider Methods.
Users can use the Browse deeplink to open web apps within Backpack's in-app browser.
Deeplinks make it easy for users to open web apps within Backpack. Users can scan a QR code with their phone's camera to open a page directly within Backpack's in-app browser. If a web app detects that a user is using a mobile device, it can prompt the user to open a specific page in Bacpack's in-app browser.
The browse
deeplink can be used before a Connect event takes place, as it does not require a session
deeplinks are not intended to be pasted into mobile web browsers.
These deeplinks must either be handled by an app or clicked on by an end user.
URL Structure
(required): The URL that should open within Backpack's in-app browser, URL-encoded.ref
(required): The URL of the requesting app, URL-encoded
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